Quand les lesbiennes se font du cinéma

October 29th to November 2nd, 1999

  Archives 1999

Awards of the 11th Festival 1999

Audience Awards

Revoir Julie
The Righteous Babes
L'Origine du monde, le retour
Kalin's Prayer

Poster Competition

Poster of the 11th Festival 1999 designed by Isabelle Chasles

Screenplay Competition

Cineffable has awarded the prize of 10 000 F to help film production to Ta clowne by Isabelle Thillien. This short film was presented during the 13th festival.

CEL (Centre Evolutif Lilith from Marseille) Award

The CEL has attributed a prize of 5 000 F to Louise Lemoine-Torrès' No Comment (short fiction, France, 1998). Special mention was given to Les filles de Zapata (short documentary, France, 1997)
by Jo Béranger and Doris Buttignol.

Lesbia Magazine Award

Rapido finale con passione (short fiction, Italy, 1998) by Luki Massa was awarded the Lesbia Magazine Prize of 8 000 F. Special mention was given to Living with Pride: Ruth Ellis @ 100 (documentary, USA, 1999) by Yvonne Welbon.