Née à Portsmouth en 1970, Liza Johnson travaille dans les arts graphiques et le cinéma. En 1999, elle séjourne à Berlin et réalise Fernweh – The Opposite of Homesick. Ses courts métrages (Good Sister/Bad Sister, Giftwrap) font le tour des festivals.
Liza Johnson is an artist and filmmaker. Her work has been exhibited internationally in museums, galleries, and film festivals, including the Museum of Modern Art, the Wexner Center for the Arts, the Walker Art Center, and the Centre Pompidou, as well as the Cannes, New York, Berlin, and Rotterdam Film Festivals, among many others. She has been a fellow of the DAAD Berliner Kunstlerprogramm and the Sundance Institute, and has published a number of articles and interviews about art and film. She is Professor of Art at Williams College.