Sue Maluwa-Bruce |
Chemnitzer Filmwerkstatt |
Née en 1968 à Mutare, Zimbabwe, Sue Maluwa-Bruce obtient un diplôme de marketing avant de devenir comédienne de théâtre. En 1996, elle co-réalise avec Mahide Lein Send me a Postcard. En 1999, Sue suit des séminaires de vidéo à l'atelier de cinéma de Chemnitz, réalise Ishe Nehoreka et est également membre du jury du 'Teddy Award' de la Berlinale.
Born in Mutare, Zimbabwe in 1968, Sue Maluwa-Bruce earned a degree in marketing management before becoming a stage actress. In 1999, she took part in several video seminars in Chemnitz and was a member of the jury for the Berlinale's "Teddy" Award.
Beate Kunath |
www.b-k-productions.de |
Née en 1967 à Chemnitz, anciennement Karl-Marx-Stadt (Allemagne de l'Est), Beate Kunath organise depuis huit ans le festival gay et lesbien de Chemnitz. Elle a déjà réalisé Chance to Seal Our Love (1997) et The Walk (1997).
Born in Karl-Marx-Stadt, East Germany (now Chemnitz, Germany), Beate Kunath is a filmmaker and programmer who currently curates photo exhibitions in Chemnitz, Germany. Since 1994, she is a curator for the Chemnitz Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. Her films include "Chance to Seal Our Love" (1997) and "The Walk" (1997).
Yvonne Zückmantel |
Née en 1979 à Chemnitz, anciennement Karl-Marx-Stadt (Allemagne de l'Est), Yvonne Zückmantel étudie la sociologie, et à partir de 1998, elle devient bénévole dans l'atelier de cinéma Chemnitz (Chemnitzer Filmwerkstatt) où elle collabore à plusieurs films. Depuis octobre 2000, elle travaille au théâtre local en tant que photographe.
Born in 1979 in Chemnitz, formerly Karl-Marx-Stadt (East Germany), Yvonne Zuckmantel studied sociology and, in 1998, became a volunteer in the Chemnitz Film Workshop (Chemnitzer Filmwerkstatt) where she participated in several films. Since October 2000, she works at the local theater as a photographer.