Quand les lesbiennes se font du cinéma
Along with the cinematographic program, Cineffable is also presenting visual art works around the theme of "Les femmes et l'intime" ("Women and intimacy").
The works of six artists is being exposed:
The engravings on sheets and embroidery, entitled "Les secrets" ("The secrets") by Anne-Catherine Nesa illustrate women's clothing and jewellery.
Valérie Pillon's installation "Peau d'Ours" ("Bearskin") is composed of a coat made from scraps of plush toys, and of photographs.
The photographic series "Tremblements" ("Tremors") by Sylvie Valem capture the details of a female nature.
The realistic paintings by Wanda Savy are the looks of women searching for those of others.
The installation "La vie l'a quittée" ("Life has left her") by Sophie Lannier is composed of poetic images and texts on her mother's death.
And finally, the photographic performance by Suzanne "Une partie de..." ("Hooking Up...") invites the festival goers to settle in on a bed with the person of their choice, be photographed and see their image projected during the festival.
This exhibit "Les femmes et l'intime" will be visible during the 5 days of the festival.