Initiation to Tantra for women
facilitated by Sabine Sonnenschein (AT)
A first in the history of Cineffable and a unique workshop that includes theory and illustrating exploration. Tantra is an attitude towards life including practical exercises of breathing, sensing, opening, supporting the flow of energy inside you. This is an opportunity to experience a different approach to yourself and others, to sexuality and perception, to interaction in a safe women-only environment.
These powerful tantric exercises increase sexual energy and move it consciously throughout the body. They allow you to gain knowledge and experience of different qualities of touch making it easier to make contact with other people and transcend fears of intimacy, as well as gain self-confidence. These practices increase your ability to listen as well as your compassion and respons-ability.
No nudity involved in this workshop. Each individual's limits are respected.
Participation fee: 10 € - Reduced price: 5 €
Sabine Sonnenschein has been doing and teaching tantric bodywork in Vienna since 2006 and is a sexologist (method Sexocorporel). She has been trained in tantric full body massage, pelvic massage, Kashmir tantrism and Kashmir yoga of touch. She is also a choreographer and performer and has had a tantric approach to life since 2004. She lives and teaches a fusion of a tantric perspective on the world and dance as a practice of life and has been involved with sensitizing the body since 1990, and Contact Improvisation for 25 years. Sabine facilitates full weekend-long workshops on tantra and tantric massage for women in Berlin, Vienna and Paris.
As a choreographer she has produced 39 pieces. Her philosophical pornografic film heteronom 1 has screened at festivals throughout Europe, including the first PornFilmFestivalBerlin in 2006. Together with Brigitte Wilfing she organized the symposium "pornonom" in 2009 with lectures, performances, film screening and a lounge focussing on post-porn film.