Dive into our news and our history, ask questions, find answers, join debates, make progress... and leave feeling empowered...
Every year, Cineffable provides precious and enriching chances to exchanges ideas and points of view.
Saturday 29 October at noon →Change the world with LIG, Lesbiennes d'Intérêt Général (Lesbians for Public Good)
With the founders: Alix Beranger, Silvia Casalino, Cécile Chartrain, Alice Coffin, Catherine Facerias, Elisabeth Lebovici, Veronica Noseda and Suzette Robichon.
Saturday 29 October at 2:30 p.m. →Round-table/Q&A with the filmmakers
The international filmmakers present at the festival will share their experience as women in an all too often male-dominated field. They will also shed light on difficulties they have encountered and offer advice to those of you who are interested in creating films on lesbian, feminist or militant themes.
Don't miss this unique opportunity to meet them!
Saturday 29 October at 5 p.m. →Lesbian Refugees
Sunday 30 October, at 2:30 p.m. →Where are the Women?
On women's invisibility as role models and in public/official representations. Where are our role models? Street names, monuments, history textbooks, heroic role models… how can we reclaim public space and history?
This is an over-arching theme in many of this year's films, from the total absence of monuments to women (Remembering the Others, Herstory) to women's invisibility in official history books (Heroinat), via women's role in Iran's history, Take Back the Night marches and more, there's lots to talk about… Where do things stand currently? What evolution has there been (street names, projected change of Paris Metro station names, and more).
With the film directors present at this year's festival and: Odile Fillod for her 3-D educational project about the clit, Chris Blache or another representative of Genre et ville (Gender in the City).
Monday, 31 October at noon →Growing old, together?
A crucial issue, which we discussed in 2014: what happens when women and lesbians grow old; what are the alternatives to the isolation of old-age homes? We are coming back to the theme of ageing again this year, in connection with several films.
One of them, Grijze Muren, (Grey Walls), is about a woman who, as a lesbian, is discriminated against in an old-age home. The animation First and Last recounts the arc of a life.
Other related films include Betty and Living in the Overlap.
What communal projects for older lesbians exist? What ways have lesbians found to age happily and peacefully? In a couple, in a group or communal situation?
Your first-person accounts welcome.
Monday 31 October at 5 p.m. →Lesbian and feminist festivals: What role models? What synergy?