« Le poisson remonte la rivière, rentre chez lui, chaud, humide.
Se faufile par l'étroit passage, poisson-amour.
Cri, poisson-amour, poisson perd la tête.
E.T. téléphone maison et BABY introuvable.
Maniac déclare son amour et pourchasse poisson vers l'amont.
Plus d'orgies.
La masturbation verbale est la langue officielle.
Par temps clair on voit loin.
Dans un clair bocal à poisson, on nage et on vient.
Economie de l'espace, essaie de m'exciter.
POUVOIR A LA CHATTE, une cloche à mon oreille m'accroche.
Mouillé, le poisson nage en moi. »
E.T. (Ela Troyano) Baby (Jane Castle) Maniac (Cheang)
"Swimming upstream, the fish, heading home, warm and moist.
Squirming through the tightened passage way, fish in love.
Squealing, fish in love, fish losing head.
ET phoned home and BABY was nowhere to be found.
Maniac declares love and chases the fish, tailing upstream.
They don't do orgy no more.
Verbal Masturbation is a required language.
On a clear day, you can see far and away.
Inside a clear fish tank, you can swim back and forth.
Negotiating space, try to turn me on.
POWER TO THE PUSSY, bell breathes at my ears and hooks me.
Wetting, the fish swims inside me."
An erotic lesbian video involving swimming upstream, female power, and fish love.
Made as a collaboration under the name E.T. (Ela Troyano) Baby (Jane Castle) Maniac (Cheang).