Black Nations/Queer Nations? |
Documentaire. Etats-Unis. 1995. Couleur. 59'. VO. Distr. : Third World Newsreel (TWN)
Black Nations/Queer Nations? a été filmé lors de la conférence du même nom qui a eu lieu à New York en mars 1995. Cet évènement a réuni un grand nombre de cherch-euses-eurs, militant-e-s, et intellectuel-le-s de la diaspora africaine. Les intervenant-e-s se penchent sur les situations politiques, sociales et économiques des lesbiennes, gays, bisexuel-le-s et transgenres de la diaspora africaine, et parlent de la construction des identités Black et Queer, du nationalisme noir et de l'homophobie dans la communauté noire.
This is an experimental documentary chronicling the March 1995 groundbreaking conference on lesbian and gay sexualities in the African diaspora. The conference brought together an array of dynamic scholars, activists and cultural workers including Essex Hemphill, Kobena Mercer, Barbara Smith, Urvashi Vaid and Jacqui Alexander to interrogate the economic, political and social situations of diasporic lesbians, gay men, bisexual and transgendered peoples. The video brings together the highlights of the conference and draws connections between popular culture and contemporary black gay media production. The participants discuss various topics: Black and queer identity, the shortcomings of Black nationalism, and homophobia in Black communities. Drawing upon works such as Isaac Julien's "The Attendant" and Jocelyn Taylor's "Bodily Functions", this documentary illuminates the importance of this historic conference for Black lesbians and gays.
Shari Frilot |
@sharifrilot |
Shari Frilot est directrice du festival MIX de films expérimentaux lesbien et gay à New York, et travaille dans la production audiovisuelle depuis neuf ans. Elle a réalisé What Is a Line? (1994) et A Cosmic Demonstration of Sexuality (1992).
An alumna of Harvard/Radcliffe University, and the Whitney Museum Independent Study Program, Shari Frilot is a filmmaker who has produced television for the CBS affiliate in Boston and for WNYC and WNET in New York before creating her own independent award-winning films, including "Strange & Charmed", "A Cosmic Demonstration of Sexuality", "What Is A Line?" and the feature documentary, "Black Nations/Queer Nations?"