Quand les lesbiennes se font du cinéma
I enjoy changing skies, climate, light. Bird of a single season, I fly away with the summer,? And my fickle flight goes from stern shores to enchanted shores.
In Memoriam, August 1850 Louise Ackermann
That is the kind of journey Cineffable is offering you this year. Among the scheduled ports of call are some that really mean the world to us.
Let's go meet women who point fingers or who get involved in struggles, who are searching for empowerment or taking part in the winds of freedom blowing through their countries, or others who are in exile. Remarkable women all, they evoke here, there and elsewhere, their hopes and dreams of fleeing stern shores.
Shorts and features, animated films and documentaries bordering on the experimental, creations on the verge of pleasure will all crop up over the course of the journey ... One island upon a time turns into an archipelago, beckoning us towards the road less traveled.
Two particularly quirky ports of call: suspended in the Silencio of a darkened theatre, let yourselves be ravished by the aestheticism and magic emanating from the screen. Or be the Brides' best women at a wedding where the worst eclipses the best - but consider yourselves warned: this one is not for insensitive souls!
And finally, you can hop out along the many shores of Lesboland, from North - for a wild ride with a Swedish lesbian rock group - to South, for an Italian romance.
Words echo, dialogue and bounce back and forth... after the fabulous opening set by Sails and Natalya N'rouv Quand les mots résonnent (When Words Resonate), words will reason and resonate - over, through and between butch bodies and books, femme slams and fans, and more - in lesbians and in French Sign Language.
Once again, you can actively participate in your festival.
Please send us your 3-minute-maximum film (with French subtitles) on the theme of the Transmission event, with spoken word, singing, reciting... wherever your talent lies.