Best Of Mixed - June 15-17, 2001

Program 1   -   friday 6 P.M., saturday 10 P.M. and sunday 8 P.M.

But I'm a Cheerleader

No Urge Lately, short fiction by Amanda Roberts

But I'm a Cheerleader, feature film by Jamie Babbit

Program 2   -   friday 8 P.M., saturday 2 P.M. and sunday 6 P.M.

Better than Chocolate

iD, animation by Ellen Yuen

Better than Chocolate, feature film by Anne Wheeler

Program 3   -   friday 10 P.M., saturday 6 P.M. and sunday 4 P.M.

Lesbian Teenagers in High School
Des pubs, short experimental by Anna-Margarita Albelo

Lesbian Teenagers in High School, short documentary
by Norah Salmon

Violencia domestica, short documentary
by Suzanne Newman and Teresa Cuadra

Entrevue, short fiction by Marie-Pierre Huster

4 p.m., short fiction by Samantha Bakhurst and Lea Morement

Program 4   -   saturday 4 P.M. and 8 P.M., and sunday 2 P.M.

If These Walls Could Talk 2

Sink or Swim, short fiction by Gaby Hughes

If These Walls Could Talk 2, feature film
by Jane Anderson, Martha Coolidge and Anne Heche

Program 5   -   sunday 10 P.M.

The Girl

Special screening in collaboration with the Wittig symposium
(June 16-17, 2001 at the Reid Hall, Columbia University in Paris,
4, rue de Chevreuse 75006, metro Vavin)

The Girl, feature film by Sande Zeig,
screenplay by Monique Wittig and Sande Zeig

In presence of the film director and Monique Wittig

Practical information

Doors opening on Friday, June 15th at 6 P.M.
These screenings are open to all, male and female.

MK2 Hautefeuille
7, rue Hautefeuille - Paris 6e
Metro Saint-Michel (L4)

Best Of Mixed 2001


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